Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A good one today from Bruderhof...

A Day Will Come...
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Christ said, “Go and give all you have to the poor and become the servant of all men,” for if you do that, you’ll become a thousand times richer because your happiness won’t be made just of good food, rich clothes, satisfied vanity, and appeased envy. Instead it will be built on love, love multiplied by love without end. And then you will gain not just riches…but the whole world!

Today we amass material things without ever satisfying our greed, and then we madly squander all we have amassed. But a day will come when there will be no orphans, no beggars; everyone will be as one of my own family, everyone will be my brother and sister, and that is when I will have gained everything and everyone!

Today even some of the richest and mightiest people care nothing about how long they have been given to live because they can no longer think up ways to spend their hours. But one day our hours will be multiplied a thousandfold, for we will not want to lose one single moment of our lives, as we will live every one of them in the gaiety of our hearts.

And then our wisdom will come not out of books but from living in the presence of God, and the earth will glow brighter than the sun, and there will be no sadness, no sighs will be heard. The whole world will be paradise.
Finding the gospel in Dostoevsky.


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